Goszcz Design LogoArchitektura, Warszawa, Berlin.


Warsaw II

Simple geometric shapes, modern lamps, dominant gray broken with white is a style of the Warsaw office, which character additionally is highlighted by omnipresent wood. The plain wall surfaces are rhythmically divided into rows of lines that give the interior a steady rhythm. The whole structure is pure and simple in the form and a marble completes the rest and breaks the modernity with a touch of the classics.

Simple geometric shapes, modern lamps, dominant gray broken with white is a style of the Warsaw office, which character additionally is highlighted by omnipresent wood. The plain wall surfaces are rhythmically divided into rows of lines that give the interior a steady rhythm. The whole structure is pure and simple in the form and a marble completes the rest and breaks the modernity with a touch of the classics.

Visualisations Krystyna Żrałek

Warsaw II
Visualisations Krystyna Żrałek